Lose The GUT Keep the BUTT

A Four Hour Workshop To Help you:

Unlock The Secrets To Losing Excess Weight In A Way That Is Comfortable, Attainable And Aligns With Your Body Preferences And Metabolism

December 19, 2023, 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm CST

Only 20 seats available

Most weight loss programs have lost their appeal because you feel they no longer deliver the results you are seeking.

Success in these cookie cutter type programs require deprivation and separation from your favorite foods, a workout regime that is not sustainable and the morphing of your body into something that looks and feels unnatural to you


You love the sexy sink in your back and the gentle curve of your butt.
It's the dreaded belly fat (GUT) that you hate.
You are not trying to lose 100 pounds or get to a size 2
You just want help to keep out of the "danger zone' where diabetes and high
blood pressure are creeping in


Is the weight so easy to pack on but so hard to come off
Is keeping consistent with lifestyle and food changes so challenging


Walk to the mailbox and back, without getting winded
Get down on the floor to play with your grandkids and not need help to get back up
Stop having to buy clothes 2 sizes bigger and instead of smaller every time you shop
Ditch the support stockings and end of day swollen ankles
Lose weight and regain some of the fabulous curves that made you turn heads and get carded

Let Me Share With You How To Find The Right Programme For Your Health, Weight Loss And Body Image Goals. And Do It Your Way. 

I have spent 27 years helping women just like you achieve their desired health and body image goals, I am ready to give you the success blueprint

Join me for "Lose the GUT, Keep the BUTT" workshop: Four (4) hours of hands-on intensive activities, focused on the key secrets and strategies to shed pounds in the right places and keep them off


Discover the biggest block to your weight loss success how to eliminate the 3 biggest internal factors that promote weight regain
Learn Strategies to reduce bloating, flatten your gut and keep fat out of your belly region
Get a personal meal plan strategy to position you to lose at least 10 lbs and crush the chief underlying cause of diabetes, high blood pressure and joint pains
Uncover 3 pillars to shedding insecurities and reviving your body’s latent abilities to still dance the night away, climb stairs effortlessly or play on the floor with grandkids and rise with ease
Practice a formula for making sustainable changes effortlessly, and paving the way to a healthier and more vibrant life

Join Me For An Interactive, Value-Packed Session That’s That Will Position You To Lose Weight Your Way, Enjoy Every Bit Of The Process And Get The Results You Have Been Looking For

This is a small group hands-on online event. You'll get coaching and real-time feedback on the key success factors for and the kind of program that will best align with Your Health, Weight Loss AND Body Image Goals

The "Lose the GUT, Keep the BUTT" workshop will take place on December 19, 2023, 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm CST.
Only 20 spaces available

Value: $500

YOUR Price: $127

Andrea Is A Powerful Guide On This Journey Of Health And Well-Being.

I loved this…
I learned so much about myself and my body. I feel uniquely empowered.

Andrea took me on a journey of personal discovery about habits that support my body and put me in control of my life.

If you believe that success in losing weight is only for others, or that certain ailments are just part of growing older - you will be pleasantly surprised.

Andrea brings a ferocity in the support of her clients that I had not experienced elsewhere.

Cynthia O., Feminine Power Coach and Facilitator
Vancouver, British Columbia

Meet Workshop Host: Andrea Blackwood-Harriott, PhD.

Hi, I am Andrea and at 11 years old I weighed 165 pounds, did not understand why or what to do about it. I ballooned to over 200 pounds, developed acute inflammation and arthritis, had 5 miscarriages and was diagnosed with diabetes.

Traditional medicine looked at my ailments as separate conditions.

However,  I used my scientific and research background to investigate and adopt different wellness and healthy lifestyle programs including those from the emerging fields of mind-body healing, neuroscience, epigenetic and transformative learning.

I finally connected the dots and developed a growing body of expertise to address weight related health challenges and weight loss success.

At nearly 70 years old, I get cat calls and complements about my body and posture. My gait has improved because my legs no longer overlap when I walk, and my knees have stopped hurting. I am also stronger and more flexible now than 10 years ago.

My clients are now healthier, more vibrant and energised as I help them discover how to shift weight from their bodies and develop the image and psyche that support the life they desire to live.

With Andrea’s guidance I found a way to fit the changes required into my weekly schedule.

I was pre-diabetic and  ‘Obese’ based on my Body Mass Index (BMI)

Now my blood sugar is down to a very healthy level and I am steadily on way to being at a healthy weight (lost 24 pounds already)

I feel confident that I can sustain the lifestyle changes she guided me to make.

Dani J, Lawyer
Toronto, Canada

Join us for the online workshop, "Lose the GUT, Keep the BUTT"
December 19, 2023, 1.00 pm – 5.00 pm CST

Only 20 seats Available

Value: $500
YOUR Price: $127

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